So I was at a wedding last year and as I was waiting for the ceremony to begin, the pastor makes an announcement. "Welcome all...the bride and groom has requested that you all stay seated as the bride walks down the aisle". My thoughts..oh, what a cool idea! I'll be able to get an awesome picture! 

I had also decided that I was going to steal that idea! I said to myself, "I'm going to have someone announce for everyone to remain seated so that everyone is able to get an amazing picture of me. This will also allow the videographer to capture my walk wihout any guests being in the view of the lens."...Perfect! Right?? Nope, WRONG!

I have to thank fellow knotties "panda" and "missjones" for posting this article. It really made me sit back and slap myself on the hand for having such selfish and stupid thoughts!

Read the article below and let me know what you think.

It's An Issue Of Respect

My experience in officiating as many as 12 weddings in a month has given me a unique insight into wedding etiquette. Some of the trends today concern me, because it appears that people are not very interested in showing respect to other people in ordinary social situations. Either that, or they just have not been made aware of how their behavior impacts other people. I've heard it said that when courtesy is eroded, civilizations decline. That is an interesting thought.

In many parts of wedding ceremonies I'm a non-conformist. I like to take old traditions and put them into new forms, if the content is truly meaningful. However, I'm very, very old fashioned regarding the entrance of the Bride. I believe that everyone who is physically able, should stand when the Bride enters. Why? There are a number of reasons. This is not an empty tradition that is observed just because everyone else has done it. In the first place, it shows respect for the Bride. Every woman deserves to have at least one day in her life where she is the center of attention and people give her the respect that all of us would like to have.

We should stand because she decided to honor the institution of marriage. In this society, a couple does not have to get married. So, the fact that they are honoring marriage is meaningful and should be honored by the guests. We should stand in honor of
marriage itself. We should stand to teach our children that there are things worthy of being honored, even when they don't understand it. We should stand because we spend too much time sitting, watching entertainment, or other things. We need to get up on our feet to honor something besides a football touchdown.


With that being said, I am proud to say that I will not request everyone stay seated. I will hold my head up, look into the eyes of my soon to be hubby while everyone else stands to their feet to watch me take my last walk as a single woman.

Just the thought of us standing before our family, while taking those vows bribefore family and friends to take their vows as husband and wife...wow, that brought a tear to my eye!
See you at the alter babe!!

Happy Planning,

9/25/2009 07:18:05 am

I never even thought about not having them stand, but I also never thought of them standing in this light! It is very insightful and thank you for sharing this with us May 2010 girls!

9/25/2009 07:57:25 am

Our guests (most of them anyway) will stand for the whole ceremony... We decided we want everyone to gather around so they can hear us, our voices, our vows. We want all our loved ones standing up with us as we start a new life together. We will provide chairs for the grandparents though. Luckily, for the rest of the guests, it will be a short ceremony.

9/25/2009 10:47:24 am

Costumegirl - that is a swell idea. :)

9/25/2009 12:02:40 pm

wow. I never heard of people sitting when the bride walks in. I would never have it!

9/29/2009 05:03:41 am

I've never heard of people not standing at all, but I have heard of people being asked to stand when the bride reaches your aisle/pew.


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